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Book Chapter
Das, S and Hussey, P. (2021). Development of an Interoperable -Integrated Care Service Architectureÿ for Intellectual Disability Services: An Irish Case Study. In Frontiers of Data and Knowledge Management for Convergence of ICT, Healthcare, and Telecommunication Services. Springer, Cham.
Burson, R., Conrad, D., Corrigan, C., Moran, K., Das, S., Spencer, A., & Hussey, P. (2021). Knowledge Networks in Nursing. In Introduction to Nursing Informatics (pp. 355-374). Springer, Cham.
Technical Report
Gábor Bella, Subhashis Das, Simone Bocca, Paolo Bouquet, Stefano Dalmiani Mattia Fumagalli, Alessio Graziani, Francesco Torelli, Marcel Klötgen (2019, October). Design of the Data Mapper and Converter to FHIR - v1. InteropEHRate Technical Report number D5.9.